fake address

Top 5 Fake Address Generators In 2024: A Comprehensive Review

Fake address generators are one of the coolest tools for those people who feel insecure about providing their address information to websites or online platforms. These tools provide fake yet valid addresses of a random or non-existed person, which you can use to create an account on a website.

Hundreds of fake address generators are available on the internet, and finding a good one is difficult. But you do not have to worry about that anymore because we have done the job for you and found the top five fake address generators.

So, in this article, we will review those five tools. Let us get started!

Why Do We Need a Fake Address?

There are many situations where a fake address is needed. For example, a user tries to access a site where only US residents are allowed to sign up. For authenticity, the website asks users to provide their addresses and other such information. So, on such websites, non-US natives will not be able to sign up. Here a fake address can be used. And fake address generator comes in handy in such a situation because it generates real-looking fake addresses and other such information. 

Another reason to use fake can be privacy issues. When a website asks for personal information like an address, you do not feel safe because of the credibility of the website. Or you are afraid that your information can get stolen or misused by the website. In such a scenario, you can use a fake address to stay safe.

Review of the Top 5 Fake Address Generators

Here we will review those five fake address generators we found on the internet.

  1. Prepostseo Fake Address Generator

Prepostseo is undoubtedly one of the best and most popular platforms that provide more than 95 different online tools to its users. Among those tools, it also provides an online fake address generator that can help you to create a fake replica of a person’s information in secs. 

The fake address generator by Prepostseo is free to use and is almost the same as Editpad, which can give you every (fake) information about a person that may not exist in the real world. Not only that, but it also provides its users with some amazing features so they can easily create addresses instantly without any hassle.


  • Freely accessible, and no need to purchase a premium plan.
  • Give every single detail, not only address, like date of birth, employment details, etc.
  • It can generate fake addresses and information from 30 different countries, including the US.
  • The interface of this tool is incredibly attractive and simple. Users can easily find any specific option.


  • Users can access the tool without signing up.
  • Dark mode is available.
  • There is no need to pay any cost to get access to any specific feature.
  • It is available in multiple languages.
  • Provides almost every piece of information about a random fake person.


  • You can only get one person’s information at a time.
  • You cannot copy all the information with just one click.

So, these were some five best tools that can help you generate fake addresses for your personal usage.

  1. EditPad Fake Address Generator
Fake Address Generator

Editpad is also an online toolkit that provides numerous tools for its users, and one of them is its fake address generator. This tool is remarkably similar to the Text Reverse tool, which can generate a fake address of not just the US but 29 other countries as well.

This is also a free tool like others, and the good thing about it is it not only generates fake addresses but also gives you almost every detail of a random person, just as Text Reverse does.


Moving on, let us take a look at the key features of Editpad.

  • It is available for free, just like other fake address generators.
  • It gives all the information with just a single click on the “Generate” button.
  • It generates complete profile information of a fake person like name, address, date of birth, email, IP, and employment details. 
  • The application allows you to generate fake information and addresses of 30 different countries.


  • No need to sign-up as a free user
  • It also offers a dark mode.
  • All the features are free. No need to pay or buy a premium version to use it to the full extent.


  • At a time, you can generate one fake data at a time.
  • You cannot copy all the information in just one click.
  1. Get Random Things
Get Random Things

The first tool in our list is, Get Random Things. It is a free online tool that can generate multiple fake addresses for its users. But this tool generates only US addresses. Users who want to sign up as US residents on a website can use this tool.

This tool is easy to use. Enter the number of addresses you want to generate and click on the “Generate” button. The required number of fake US addresses will be displayed in the text area. You can copy and use them wherever you want.

Key Features 

Here are some key features of Get Random Things.

  • Everyone can use it for free.
  • It has a very user-friendly interface, and everything is clearly displayed on the main screen. 
  • Instantly generates valid US address with state and zip code.
  • Users can generate multiple addresses in one go.


  • No need to register as a user.
  • Up to 20 fake US addresses can be generated in one go.
  • Click to Copy button makes it easier to copy the generated addresses.


  • Only supports and generates US addresses.
  • It only generates addresses, not other information.
  • No dark mode is yet available.
  1. Text Reverse Fake Address Generator
Text Reverse

I will term this the best online fake address generator. And there are several reasons to support my claim. This tool is not just a fake address generator, but it generates a complete fake identity. From fake addresses to fake names, fake financial details, and even professional details, this generates all in just one click.

Unlike “Get Random Things,” it can generate not just US, but 32 different countries’ addresses and information. Apart from that, it also offers you the chance to select languages.

Note: The information generated by this tool is not real information.

Key Features

Now, let us take a look at the key features of this fake address generator.

  • It is available for free with no premium version.
  • The interface is very eye-catching, and each of its options is available on the main screen.
  • You can generate fake addresses of more than 30 different countries.
  • It is available in two different languages, including English and Spanish.


  • No need to sign-up as a free user
  • There is no need to pay any cost to get access to any specific feature.
  • It is available in multiple languages.
  • Provides almost every piece of information about a random fake person.


  • You can only generate one-person fake information at a time.
  • Lots of advertisements on the page.
  • There is no dark mode available.
  1. Randommer Address Generator

Another tool in our list that can help you generate fake addresses of non-existed persons is Randommer. This tool works the same as Get Random Things, which can only generate home addresses. However, the change in this tool is not only for the US. You can also generate random valid addresses of 42 other countries.

If we talk about how to use this tool, it is similar to the Get Random Things the one we discussed above. Select the number of addresses you want to generate and choose the country. Then, the tool will take the rest of the work and give you the output. 

Keep this in mind. It can only give you up to 20 addresses in a single response.

Key Features

Besides, let us check out the key features of Randommer.

  • It is available for free without any premium version.
  • The interface is user-friendly, and everything is displayed on the main screen. 
  • Generate a valid address that a user can use for specific purposes.
  • Users can generate multiple numbers of addresses at a time (up to 20).


  • No need to sign-up to access this tool.
  • No ads are running on the screen.
  • Users can generate 20 different US addresses at a time.
  • Provide the option to copy all addresses in just a single click.


  • There is no dark mode available.
  • It can only provide you with a fake address, not other information.

Comparison Table

Now, let us compare the above five tools in the form of a comparison table.

ToolsFree to useCountriesOther InformationSign-up Required
PrepostseoYes30 countriesGive other informationNot required
EditpadYes30 countriesGive other informationNot required
Get Random ThingsYesOnly US countryNo, only provides the addressNot required
Text ReverseYes30 countriesGive other informationNot required
RandommerYes42 countriesNo, only provides the addressNot required


Let us give a quick recap of this article!

Fake address generators are one of the best solutions for people who feel insecure about providing their address information to websites. They can be helpful for those who want to access other countries’ websites or online resources.

We have discussed the five best tools that are free to use, and there is no sign-up required to access them. The tools we mentioned above are Get Random Things, Text Reverse, Editpad, Randommer, and Prepostseo. 

For those who only want a fake address in the US, they can use Get Random Things or Randommer. But, for those who want to access a website, it demands detailed information like DOB or employment details, they can use the other three tools, Text Reverse, Editpad, and Prepostseo.

Besides, the good thing about the above-listed tools is, they are free to use, and you do not have to pay any cost to get access to any of their specific features.

Note: However, this is fake information, but do not use it for illegal or wrong purposes.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Lastly, here are some frequently asked questions related to this article.

  1. What is a fake address generator?

The tool which is used to create fake addresses for a specified country or region is called a fake address generator. These addresses look very real so no one can say they are fake. The tool randomly creates street names, city names, state/province names, etc.

  1. Why would someone use a fake address generator?

The fake address can be used in various situations. For instance, individuals might use fake addresses to protect their privacy or to avoid spam. Similarly, software developers might use fake addresses to test e-commerce websites, shipping systems, and data management systems. 

  1. Are fake address generators legal?

It all depends on the purpose for which a fake address is being used. In cases like hacking or other threats, using a fake address generator is considered fraud. 

  1. How do fake address generators work?

Fake address generators typically work by using a database of real addresses. The generator then randomly selects elements from the database to create a new address. The level of realism of the generated address will depend on the size and quality of the database.

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